09:25 – 09:50 GMT, 26 March 2024 ‐ 25 mins
Laia Pasquina-Lemonche - University of Sheffield
University of Sheffield, UK
Laia Pasquina Lemonche is an Early-Career-Award Wellcome Trust Fellow leading her own group a University of Sheffield in the School of Biosciences. She graduated from Physics followed by a Master in Nanobiotechnology and Nanoscience at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 2016. Then, obtained her PhD in Biophysics at the University of Sheffield in 2020 focusing on deciphering the molecular architecture of gram-positive bacterial cell wall using AFM (L.Pasquina-Lemonche, J.Burns, et al, 2020, Nature). Since then she was a Research Associate in Professor Jamie Hobbs’ group pushing the limits of resolution of biological material with AFM with the aim to study the dynamic peptidoglycan architecture of the cell wall from living and growing cells. Currently, her group focuses on using correlative AFM and STORM to study Streptococcus pneumoniae peptidoglycan and developing novel software approaches to obtain relevant quantitative results from microscopy images.