13:05 – 13:35 GMT, 3 November 2020 ‐ 30 mins
University of Leeds
Dr Simon Connell is an Associate Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds. After graduating with a PhD in Biophysics in 1999, he joined Leeds in 2001, and since 2005 has managed a cross-faculty EPSRC supported AFM facility. He studies a wide range of systems, with a focus on the structure, dynamics and nanomechanics of soft matter and biological systems. His main research focus is on lipid membrane phase morphology and dynamics, but with the versatility of AFM comes the opportunity to study a diverse array of topics, and current research includes blood clot structure and mechanics, hydrogels and microgels, nanotribology, high speed imaging of polymer dynamics, nanomechanical vs temperature analysis of complex blends of materials in manufactured products and food, and particle adhesion and fragmentation of samples ranging from drug crystals to meteoroids.