From Speckle at the synchrotron to modulation-based imaging using conventional sources: a simple method to transfer phase-contrast and dark-field imaging

16:20 – 16:40 BST, 17 July 2024 ‐ 20 mins

Emmanuel Brun

Over the last three decades, X-ray PC and Dark-field Imaging have been proposed to overcome the limitations of conventional absorption-based Imaging: their extremely high sensitivity (up to three orders of magnitude higher than absorption-based imaging) and their capability to obtain high-resolution images for a wide range of applications including breast, osteoarticular, brain and lung imaging is reported in many studies.
Random phase modulation techniques were developed in 2012 at synchrotrons, using the "speckle phenomenon" to create a random intensity pattern which modifications upon introduction of the sample would give its phase and scattering information. Since then, we developed further the technique and we do not use any more speckles to create the necessary modulations. Thanks to different patents on the membranes, the technique is now successfully transferred to lab settings and it has now become a commercial product. 
In this talk, we will introduce the concepts, the optimization of the membranes, and the associated phase retrieval techniques to produce phase contrast and dark-field images with modulation based imaging.