13:05 – 13:35 GMT, 17 November 2020 ‐ 30 mins
Session One - Tissue and Organisms
Beatson Institute
Leo Carlin studied immunology as an undergraduate at UCL and made his first attempts at fluorescence microscopy as a project student there. His passion for imaging immunology was cemented by trying to understand intercellular communication and regulation in highly-dynamic immune cells using advanced microscopy modalities first as a PhD student with Dan Davis at Imperial, then during post-docs with Tony Ng and Frédéric Geissmann at KCL. Leo’s group, initially at Imperial and now at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute try to understand how immune cell behaviour, heavily shaped by the context of specialised vascular beds like the lung and liver, influence the development and progression of cancer. He is also fortunate to lead the Beatson Advanced Imaging Resource (BAIR).