HRTEM and Materials Science: Past and Present

Wednesday 8 March 2023
12:30 GMT/07:30 AM Eastern Standard Time/14:30 Israel Standard Time/09:30 AM Brazil/07:30 AM Toronto

Professor Sumio Iijima gave a lecture entitled "HRTEM and Materials Science: Past and Present" at 12:30 GMT/07:30 AM Eastern Standard Time/14:30 Israel Standard Time/09:30 AM Brazil/07:30 AM Toronto.

Registration to this lecture was free.

The International Microscopy Lecture Series is a collaborative undertaking by four International Microscopy Societies (the Royal Microscopical Society, the Microscopical Society of Canada and the Israel Society for Microscopy and the Brazilian Society of Microscopy and Microanalysis).

Ahead of the lecture an interview between Professor Sumio Iijima and Professor Kazu Suenaga was made.

Professor Sumio Iijima gave a lecture entitled "HRTEM and Materials Science: Past and Present".