As part of the ongoing Road-mapping Exercise for Electron Microscopy in the Physical Sciences, EPSRC are arranging an initial Town Hall meeting on March 26th 2025 at Mary Ward House Conference Centre (London WC1H 9SN), which is just off Tavistock Square, around a 15 minute walk from Euston and Kings Cross, and an easy tube ride from the other mainline stations. Timings will be provisionally be between 10am and 4pm.
EPSRC wishes to use the initial results of the roadmap and the opinions of the wider EM community to inform strategy towards future infrastructure investments. The Town Hall meeting will involve an introduction from EPSRC, a summary of the initial findings of the roadmapping exercise, followed by some Q&A, and some facilitated sessions on specific topics after lunch.
Registration information will follow in subsequent communications, but we wanted you to be aware of this date. Numbers are limited to about 90.