The tenth conference in this popular series will be held at Loughborough University, which has an excellent reputation for teaching and research, strong links with business and industry, and unrivalled sporting achievements.

A wide range of oxidation phenomena will be discussed at the Conference, from oxide nucleation and thin film growth through to scale failure and protective coatings.  Materials of interest will include intermetallics and composites as well as metals and ceramics in both monolithic and coated forms.  Several topical areas will be highlighted during the meeting including:

  • Image processing and analysis (inc. AI)
  • Complex environments
  • Alternative fuels (inc. Hydrogen)
  • Oxidation/processing relationships
  • Oxidation in combustion
  • Fuel cells
  • Fundamental oxidation studies
  • 3D imaging and tomography

Other sessions during the Conference will also cover the full range of oxidation investigations in a variety of atmospheres.  The underlying common factor in all presentations will be the critical role played by microscopy, interpreted in its widest sense to include SIMS, Auger, EPMA, etc., as well as light and electron microscopy.

A Second Announcement and Call for Papers will be issued in March 2025.  The deadline for abstracts will be 1st June 2025.  If you wish to learn more about this Conference, please email

 Scientific Organisers
Rebecca Higginson

Rebecca Higginson

University of Loughborough

Mark Jepson

Mark Jepson

University of Loughborough

Joy Sumner

Joy Sumner

Cranfield University

 RMS Organiser
Victoria Masters

Victoria Masters

Event & HR Director