This meeting will include presentations and discussions of recent advances and improvements in electron and X-ray microscopy, as applied in the physical sciences to study materials, nanoparticles, thin films, interfaces, device structures and artefacts of this meeting. With a focus on in-situ microscopy techniques.
Selected contributions will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Microscopy.
We invite and welcome abstracts on, and around, the following topics;
Application of advanced quantitative techniques for the study of hard-soft matter such as:
Electron Microscopy Section Vice Chair, London South Bank University
Electron Microscopy Section Vice Chair, London South Bank University
Asa is Professor of Advanced Materials Engineering at London South Bank University and Dean of the School of Engineering. His interests are in using microscopy to understand the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of complex systems, particularly hierarchical structures produced by biology. Asa previously led major initiatives in small scale mechanical testing combining EM with AFM at Queen Mary University of London and 3D imaging within a broader 3D engineering activity at the University of Portsmouth. Asa regularly supports the RMS Microscience Microscopy Congress in various capacities and was the Conference Chair for Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA) ’17.
Engineering, Physical & Material Sciences Section Vice Chair, University of York
Engineering, Physical & Material Sciences Section Vice Chair, University of York
Roland is a Professor at the Department of Physics at the University of York concentrating on Nano- and Biomaterials using electron microscopy as well as various spectroscopy tools including Raman microscopy and X-ray techniques. He obtained his PhD from the University of Hamburg/Germany and the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Science and Technology in Braunschweig/Germany. Roland has since built a large expertise in Materials Physics and Materials Science covering diamond thin films, metal/semiconductor nanostructures, nitride based light-emitting devices, metal nanoparticles for biomedical applications and biominerals using focused ion beam as a key method for sample preparation and analysis. Besides his interest in multi-lengthscale material characterization in 3D he is particularly focussing on in situ techniques to study mineralisation processes in liquid environments.
University of Sheffield
University of Sheffield
Thomas is Reader in Advanced Electron Microscopy at the University of Sheffield and Director of the Kroto Centre for High Resolution Imaging and Analysis.
His research areas include electron microscopy method development and instrumentation, in particular HREM, EFTEM, ADF-STEM, EELS, ELNES, EDX.
A focus is on quantitative analysis of semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots, but also the study of interdiffusion and segregation at grain boundaries and within metal nano-particles.
He runs the Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials conference series which is alternatingly held in Oxford and Cambridge, always in odd years.
Events Co-Ordinator
Events Co-Ordinator
Contact Alessandra for RMS Event enquiries.
Sponsorship & Exhibitions Co-Ordinator
Sponsorship & Exhibitions Co-Ordinator
Contact Nick for exhibition and sponsorship event queries and RMS Corporate Membership.