Australia Hosted Event
29 July 2024
14:00 - 15:00 AEST, 12:00 - 01:00 EDT, 05:00 - 06:00 BST, 06:00 - 07:00 CEST


The expansion microscopy user group brings together researchers to share experiences to enable rapid uptake of the technology.

At this meeting...

Ben Liffner - Cropped.jpg

Our next speaker will be Ben Liffner , Senior Research Associate, University of Adelaide, with his talk "Imaging malaria parasites during their development in the mosquito".

Ben is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Adelaide who uses microscopy to understand the fascinating cell biology of eukaryotic parasites. During his PhD, Ben studied how malaria parasites use specialised secretory organelles, called rhoptries, to invade human red blood cells. During his postdoctoral studies, Ben was involved in developing and applying a technique called ultrastructure expansion microscopy U-ExM for malaria parasites. U-ExM results in the physical expansion of a sample approximately 4.5-fold, unlocking a whole new world to be explored using light microscopy. Recently, Ben has developed for preparing and imaging intact mosquito tissues using U-ExM (MoTissU-ExM). Ben has used MoTissUExM to begin to tease apart the cell biology of malaria parasites as they develop in the mosquito midgut before maturing and invading the mosquito salivary gland.



Gabriela Segal Wasserman

Gabriela Segal Wasserman

Application Specialist at the Biological Optical Microscopy Platform ( BOMP), The University of Melbourne,  Australia

Dr Segal has a PhD in Tumour Immunology from the Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne. She has years of experience in sample preparation for confocal and multiphoton microscopy. In her current role as an academic specialist she supports confocal, tissue clearing and Lightsheet applications.

RMS Organisers:

Jess Cole

Jess Cole

Event Organiser

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