2:00pm-2:15pm Developments of cryogenic Plasma Focused Ion Beam workflows for environmentally sensitive material systems
James Douglas, Imperial College
2:15pm-2:30pm Plasma FIB for nanoscale examination of tissue in near native state
Callie Glynn, The Rosalind Franklin Institute
2:30pm-2:45pm Pushing the limit of chemical contrast: the latest advancement in FIB-SIMS
Min Wu, ThermoFisher
2:45pm-3:00pm Plasma FIB for structural determination in situ
Casper Berger, The Rosalind Franklin Institute
3:00pm-3:15pm Volumetric imaging of native biological sample
Thomas Glen, The Rosalind Franklin Institute
3:15pm-3:45pm Coffee
3:45pm-3:55pm New Technologies for EM Sample Preparation
Gareth Jackson, Leica Microsystems
3:55pm-4:10pm Correlative microscopy of materials degradation in metal alloys using FIB and PFIB - Bristol University
Tomas Martin, Bristol University
4:10pm-4:20pm Preparing high quality ultra-wide cross-sections for improved statistical analysis
Mike Dixon, Hitachi High-Tech Europe GmbH
4:20pm-4:35pm Dichroism of The Lycurgus Cup. Searching for Nanoparticles – FIB to the rescue
Neil Wilkinson, Natural History Museum
4:35pm-4:45pm Crossbeam Samplefab - Automated FIBSEM Lamella Preparation
4:45pm-5:00pm CryoFIB for better imaging
Alexander Carruthers, Manchester University