Please note the below programme is provisional and will be updated ahead of the event. 

Wednesday 2 October
11:00 – 11:30
Collection of Badge

Collection of Badge

11:30 – 12:30
2024 Annual General Meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society

Peter O'Toole, RMS President

12:30 – 12:35
Presentation of RMS Vice-President's Award

Presentation of Award

12:35 – 12:40
RMS Ambassadors

Sali Davis, RMS Chief Executive

12:40 – 12:50
Early Career Committee Annual General Meeting

Liam Rooney, RMS Early Career Committee Chair

12:50 – 13:00
AFM & SPM Annual General Meeting

Oleg Kolosov, RMS AFM & SPM Section Chair

13:00 – 13:10
Flow Cytometry Annual General Meeting

Karen Hogg, RMS Flow Cytometry Section Chair

13:10 – 13:20
Data Analysis in Imaging Annual General Meeting

Martin Jones, RMS Data Analysis in Imagining Section Chair

13:20 – 13:30
Electron Microscopy Annual General Meeting

Asa Barber, RMS Electron Microscopy Section Chair

13:30 – 14:10
Lunch and Collection of Badge

Lunch and Collection of Badge

14:10 – 14:15
Welcome and Collection of Badge

Peter O'Toole, RMS President

14:15 – 14:25
Outreach and Education Committee Annual General Meeting

Kerry Thomson, RMS Honorary Secretary - Education

14:25 – 14:30
Presentation of Outreach and Education Award 2024

Kerry Thomson, RMS Honorary Secretary - Education

14:30 – 15:00
Mechanisms of coated vesicle transport in the early secretory pathway

Giulia Zanetti, Birkbeck College

15:00 – 15:05
Early Career Award Talk

Akaash Kumar

15:05 – 15:10
Early Career Award Talk

Harshith Bachimanchi

15:10 – 15:15
Early Career Award Talk

Liam Rooney

15:15 – 15:45
Breaking Beyond the Checkbox: Navigating Gender, Class, and Caregiving Biases

Georgina Fletcher, BioImaging UK

15:45 – 16:00
Presentation of RMS Scientific Achievement Awards

Presentation of Award

16:00 – 16:20
Coffee Break

Coffee Break

16:20 – 16:50
Scientific Talk

Adriana Flores-Langarica, University of Birmingham

16:50 – 17:20
High-Speed AFM Techniques for Monitoring Single Molecule structural dynamics

George Heath, University of Leeds

17:20 – 17:25
Presentation of the Early Career Award

Susan Anderson

17:25 – 17:30
Closing Remarks

Sali Davis, RMS Chief Executive

17:30 – 18:45
Drinks Reception

Drinks Reception