This course consists of two and half days, broken into morning and afternoon virtual lecture sessions, covering the theory of the techniques. Days 4 and 5 (Thursday and Friday) will be filled with practical demonstrations / Q&A sessions to explore the practical points of the techniques / approaches with the delegates in person (details to be agreed in consulation with delegates), should they wish to come to Nottingham. This course is designed to be suitable for anyone that wants to explore cryogenic microscopy methods to support their research and this could apply to life sciences, material sciences and beyond.
Scientific Organisers RMS Organisers
Electron Microscopy Section Deputy Chair, University of Nottingham
Electron Microscopy Section Deputy Chair, University of Nottingham
I am a seasoned electron microscopist and imaging scientist. My experience ranges from cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy (cryo-TEM) of soft matter systems (polymers, proteins, liposomes, extra cellular vesicles) to focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), and particularly the development of cryo-FIB-SEM sample preparation approaches applied to soft matter systems. I have been developing the cryogenic lift-out technique since 2013 to enable cryo-TEM of bulk samples (polymers, cells, tissues). At the University of Nottingham, I am the manager of the Cryogenic Analytical and Transfer (CAT) Suite, a category 2 approved microscopy suite with an emphasis on cryogenic and correlative (light and electron) microscopy. In 2024 I will add confocal light microscopy to my skills and responsibilities in the lab. I believe that I have a wide range of skills and backgrounds to offer the RMS gained from my years in the lab and also developing training and organizational skills to fulfil my various roles. I have so far contributed to the running of two cryo-EM courses in conjunction with the RMS (2021, fully virtual and 2023 as a hybrid). I have a keen interest in the development and training of the next generation of microscopy professionals.
I am a board member of Journal of Microscopy and since 2022 is the Chair of the Cryo Microscopy Group. Since 2014 I have been the editor of Microscopy and Analysis, a global microscopy publication aimed at the professional microscopy community. I became Editor-in-Chief of M&A in 2020. I believe that this has given me a good appreciation of what is going on in microscopy, of new developments and where the field is headed. I enjoy observing this and trying to keep ahead of the curve.
Membership Administrator & Event Organiser
Membership Administrator & Event Organiser
Contact Debbie for RMS membership enquires, Summer Studentships, Bursaries, RMS Courses, History Committee queries and microscope donations.