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    Dr Alex Sossick

    University of Cambridge
    Alex heads the Imaging Facility at the Gurdon Institute, which includes a variety of microscopy techniques including confocal, high throughput and deconvolution. He is keen to raise the level of microscopy understanding and application, and runs and takes part in various microscopy courses.

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    Dr Stefanie Reichelt

    CRUK Cambridge Institute
    Stefanie Reichelt, PhD  is head of the light microscopy facility at the CRUK Cambridge Institute. The core provides state-of-the-art imaging resources, training courses for scientists and students and develop new imaging systems as well as user-friendly analysis and acquisition tools for specific research applications. Stefanie teaches academically at Cambridge University, in scientific workshops and out-reach events. She is also founder of the well-known Plymouth Advanced Microscopy Course and the Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare (CIMH).

  • Dr Alessandro Esposito

    MRC Cancer Cell Unit
    Alessandro’s major focus is to develop new methods for probing and mapping the biochemical events that underlie cellular systems using fluorescence microscopy, with the overall aim of better understanding the fundamental principles that govern tumour suppressive mechanisms and their perturbation in cancer. In his career, Alessandro has developed several technologies (e.g. high throughput FLIM, solid state detectors and imaging specotrpolarimetry) and methods of analysis for quantitative biochemical imaging (FLIM, spectral imaging and anisotropy imaging). Since 2009, he has focused on strategies to enhance the biochemical resolution of fluorescence microscopy and multiplexing several biochemical reactions within the cell with the scope to correlate complex biochemical signatures to cell fate decision and homeostatic control.

  • Dr Nick Barry


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    Dr Kirti Prakash FRMS

    Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) and Royal Marsden Trust
    Kirti Prakash is a computer scientist by training (Bachelors and Masters degree) but a biologist at heart (PhD degree). Kirti aspires to be an inventor and develop new imaging tools for cell biology and neuroscience. Kirti did his Masters in Computer Science from Aalto University (Finland) and PhD in Biology from Heidelberg University (Germany). During his PhD, he developed a new method to image DNA which led to the first high-resolution images of the epigenetic landscape of meiotic chromosomes and mechanisms behind chromosome condensation. The doctoral research earned him several awards including Springer Best PhD Thesis Prize. After his PhD, he did a couple of postdocs at Carnegie Institution for Science (USA) and University of Cambridge (UK). The primary highlights of his research here were laser-free superresolution microscopy and development of a high-content imaging pipeline to quantify single-cell gene expression. Formerly at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), and currently working at the Institute for Cancer Research (ICR) and Royal Marsden Trust, he is working on microscope development and image analysis.