001 Combined selective plane illumination microscopy and FRAP maps intranuclear diffusion of NLS-GFP Chad Hobson DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.1
002 Multinucleated HIV-1-infected T cells exhibit unique migration patterns and frequent virus-dependent cell-cell interactions Menelaos Symeonides DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.2
003 Primed Track: Reliable Volumetric Single-cell Tracking and Lineage Tracing of Living Specimen with Dual-labeling Approaches Periklis Pantazis DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.3
005 Exploring left-right symmetry of somites through multiview light sheet microscopy Sundar Naganathan DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.5
006 3D Quantification of Zebrafish Brain Vascular Architecture of Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Datasets Elisabeth Kugler DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.6
007 The benchtop mesoSPIM – a compact and versatile open-source light-sheet microscope for imaging large cleared tissue samples Fabian Voigt DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.7
008 Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Abdullahi Aborode DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.8
009 How embryonic hearts pump: insights from multi-scale microscopy in zebrafish Anjalie Schlaeppi DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.9
010 Contact area–dependent cell communications and the morphological invariance of ascidian embryogenesis Léo Guignard DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.10
011 The importance of the excitation light polarization state for the optimization of the signal levels in two-photon light-sheet microscopy Giuseppe de Vito DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.11
012 UC2 Light sheet microscope: From an education tool to a biological application Barbora Maršíková DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.12
013 “Organ-on-chip” specific light sheet fluorescence microscope for vascularization investigation Caroline Bissardon DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.13
015 Removing chemical barriers for volume immunofluorescence of whole intact organs Jorge Almagro DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.15
016 The User`s Guide to the Light-sheet Galaxy Alessandro Ciccarelli DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.16
017 Miniaturized Light-Sheet Microscope with active control of optical paths Spyridon Bakas DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.17
018 Loss of Sox4 Impacts Early Ocular Development Rebecca Petersen DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.18
019 FRC-QE: A robust and comparable 3D microscopy image quality metric for cleared organoids Friedrich Preußer DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.19
020 Lattice light sheet at Warwick Medical School Helena Coker DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.20
022 Wide field-of-view volumetric imaging by a mesoscopic oblique plane microscopy with low numerical aperture objectives Wenjun Shao DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.22
023 Oblique plane microscopy-based 3D plate-reader investigation of control of cell shape by Rho-regulatory proteins in distinct microenvironments Nathan Curry DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.23
024 Dual-view oblique plane microscopy Hugh Sparks DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.24
025 Video-rate remote refocusing through continuous oscillation of a deformable mirror Terry Wright DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.25
026 The heart in 4D: novel tools to quantify ECM dynamics and tissue morphology in cardiac development Juliana Sanchez Posada DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.26
027 On-Chip high-throughput LSFM analysis of single cancer cells Federico Sala DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.27
028 Designing an inverted light-sheet microscope for long term imaging of organoids Esmée Adegeest DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.28
029 Light Sheet Microscopy with LED illumination Gianmaria Calisesi DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.29
030 Design of light-sheet fluorescence imaging platform for axon tracing over entire brains Kevin Takasaki DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.30
031 Development and application of a flexible light sheet fluorescence microscope for high speed 2D and 3D imaging of calcium dynamics in cardiomyocytes Liuba Dvinskikh DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.31
032 Augmenting the Range of Compatible Clearing Protocols for the Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 Joseph Sall DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.32
033 Yes, we can clear this: a tissue clearing toolbox for every organ Monika Pawlowska DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.33
034 Using light-sheet fluorescence microscopy to identify anatomical structures and infection by infectious laryngotracheitis virus in chicken tissues Matthew Smallridge DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.34
035 Imaging actin dynamics throughout ingression membrane system development Tom J O'Sullivan DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.35
036 Quantification and analysis of three-dimensional shape changes during epithelial morphogenesis Jana Fuhrmann DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.36
037 Single-objective selective-volume illumination microscopy enables high-contrast light-field imaging Kevin Keomanee-Dizon DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.37
038 Characterization of neocortical angioarchitecture across layers and areas in the human brain Sven Hildebrand DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.38
039 Optimal Laser Pulse Repetition Rate for Fast In Vivo Imaging using Multiphoton Light-sheet Microscopy Vincent Maioli DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.39
040 Light sheet-based flow cytometer with ability to obtain images and retrieve objects from the whole blood Daniil Bratashov DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.40
041 Light-sheet flow cytometry Sonia Laguna DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.41
042 Spatial '-omics' in large samples using high numerical aperture oblique plane microscopy Douglas Shepherd DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.42
043 Optimized dual-view light sheet microscopy for large area cleared specimens Vladislav Gavryusev DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.43
044 Spatially varying deconvolution for light-sheet microscopy Bogdan Toader DOI:10.22443/rms.lsfm2020.44