infocus #67 September 2022 X-ray Microscopy Focused Interest Group - or the X-ray FIG for Short
DOI: 10.22443/rms.inf.1.235
Within the Royal Microscopical Society however X-rays have, up until now, not featured prominently. True, many of our members use X-rays in some form or other as part of their work but only a select few focus their efforts solely on using X-rays to enable scientific discovery. As a result the X-ray microscopy community has been represented within the RMS via the Electron Microscopy Section Committee with a significant number of X-ray microscopy technique users scattered across other sections particularly within the Engineering and Physical Sciences community.
However over the last few years the profile of X-ray microscopy has increased significantly in part due to the increasing popularity of X-ray imaging particularly as it has become easier to collect high quality data without having to leave the home laboratory. Given this it seemed a perfect opportunity for the RMS to explore whether there is sufficient interest within the society to merit a section dedicated to X-ray microscopy and thus the X-ray Microscopy Focussed Interest Group or X-ray FIG was formed.