Sponsored Content: SilVIR detector - the future of confocal microscopy
It can be very challenging to achieve clear imaging of cell bodies and neural fibers with confocal microscopy, particularly when striving for quantitative measurements while imaging both bright and dim signals. Any changes in laser power or detector settings risk jeopardizing the quantitative output of your measurements, especially in samples with variable fluorescence intensity.
This challenge is compounded by the potential for saturation, where fluorescence signals exceed the dynamic range of the detector. Neural fibers, in particular, often exhibit varying levels of fluorescence intensity along their length, making it difficult to capture uniform and clear imaging without oversaturation in brighter regions.
Microscopes using traditional photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) can often lose critical detail and information in the image, particularly in samples with variable fluorescence intensity (left on the image). Equipped with Evident’s next-generation SilVIR™ (Silicon photomultiplier from Visible to IR) detector, FLUOVIEW™ FV4000 microscopes can capture both dim and bright fluorescence in one image without saturation or loss of information (right on the image).
The SilVIR detector’s excellent signal to noise, higher sensitivity across the entire spectral detection range and fully quantifiable output as photon number enables precise imaging of fluorescence signals. This not only enhances image versatility but also preserves the integrity of your data, enabling comprehensive analysis and deeper insights into your samples.
Evident’s SilVIR detector system combines advanced silicon photomultiplier technology with state-of-the-art digital processing to provide an extensive dynamic range, exceptionally low noise and high photon detection efficiency.
The result? Exceptional image quality, precise quantitative data, and repeatable experiments.
See the FLUOVIEW™ FV4000 in action at the upcoming elmi2024 meeting in Liverpool. Delve deeper into the technology in a special workshop in room 4A on Wednesday 5th & Thursday 6th June 2024.