16 May 2024

RMS at the Advanced Materials Show

Society makes first appearance at popular exhibition for materials scientists and developers

The RMS joined a host of exhibitors at the NEC Birmingham for the Advanced Materials Show 2024 this week.

The event brings together leaders in engineering, science and innovation to share knowledge and showcase materials with exceptional properties for engineering and electronic applications, along with the technologies used to develop them.

It was the RMS’s first appearance at the popular event, providing the opportunity to reach a new audience and promote the work of the Society.

Chief Executive Sali Davis was joined by Finance & Operations Director Adam Clay on the RMS stand, engaging with visitors about the benefits of RMS membership – and much more. The famous RMS ‘Wheel of Fortune’ also made the trip to Birmingham, offering the chance to win a modest prize!

Sali said: “This was a great event to be a part of, and a new venture for the RMS. It’s important to remember that Microscopy is a fundamental part of science as a whole – across both the academic and commercial sectors. We are always keen to reach out to new audiences and communities to promote our work and encourage new members.

She added: “It was particularly pleasing to meet so many Early Career Researchers and encourage them to publish their research in the Journal of Microscopy. I look forward to seeing some resulting papers being submitted!”

Find out more about the Advanced Materials Show