12 Feb 2025

New special issue in the Journal of Microscopy “Botanical Microscopy”

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new special issue (March 2025) which features papers arising from the 12th International Botanical Microscopy meeting. The meeting was hosted by the RMS at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, from 2-6 April 2023.

The issue features one review paper and six original articles. The cover features an image by Dr Jen McGaley which shows confocal laser scanning microscopy of a fluorescent reporter and (or revealing) reveals the intricate structure of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inside a living rice root cell. Image is coloured by depth. Scale bar = 5µm.

Journal of Microscopy Scientific Editor Dr Ulla Neumann, who edited this issue, said: “We are happy to announce the publication of the Botanical Microscopy special issue. This issue features interesting papers from the popular Botanical Microscopy meeting in 2023 and Kim Findlay (John Innes Centre, Norwich) has written an informative introduction to the issue. Topics covered in this issue range from suborganelle to whole organ imaging, from live cell imaging to electron microscopy and from hardware to software tools for analysing plant samples. Scientists interested in plant microscopy can already start looking forward to the 13th International Botanical Microscopy Meeting to be held in Spring 2027.”

The issue features the following papers:

Introduction to special issue ‘12th International Botanical Microscopy Meeting’
Kim Findlay

Suborganellar resolution imaging for the localisation of human glycosylation enzymes in tobacco Golgi bodies – OPEN ACCESS
Alastair J. McGinness, Susan A. Brooks, Richard Strasser, Jennifer Schoberer, Verena Kriechbaumer

Live cell imaging of plant infection provides new insight into the biology of pathogenesis by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae – OPEN ACCESS
Berlaine G. Quime, Lauren S. Ryder, Nicholas J. Talbot

The AMSlide for noninvasive time-lapse imaging of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis – OPEN ACCESS
Jennifer McGaley, Ben Schneider, Uta Paszkowski

On the pixel selection criterion for the calculation of the Pearson's correlation coefficient in fluorescence microscopy – OPEN ACCESS
Sergio G. Lopez, Sebastian Samwald, Sally Jones, Christine Faulkner

A rapid freezing method to determine tissue layer thickness in drought-stressed leaves – OPEN ACCESS
Maryam Alsadat Zekri, Carina Leimhofer, Nicole Drexler, Ingeborg Lang

Mitophagy in plants: Emerging regulators of mitochondrial targeting for selective autophagy – OPEN ACCESS
Patrick J. Duckney, Pengwei Wang, Patrick J. Hussey

The photosensitive endoplasmic reticulum-chloroplast contact site – OPEN ACCESS
Sara N. Maynard, Lawrence R. Griffing
