25 Jun 2024

Journal of Microscopy: Sharp rise in ‘open access’ articles published in 2024

The Journal of Microscopy has been making great strides in 2024, with more ‘open access’ articles than ever before and a number of eye-catching special issues.

In just the first six months of 2024, a total of 45 open access articles (available to view for free) have featured in the peer-reviewed publication. Already, this comfortably exceeds the annual totals for 2023 (32) and 2024 (34). Open Access articles now make up the majority of papers published in the journal (see graph).

The Journal publisher, Wiley, has a number of ‘Transformational Agreements’ in place with institutions and funders to help authors publish open access for free and ensure compliance with open access policies. In the first half of 2024, this has also helped raise the overall number of articles published online to 67 – already approaching the total annual figures for 2022 and 2023.

Journal of Microscopy Editor, Professor Michelle Peckham said: "As we move away from subscriptions towards a fully ‘Open Access’ model, these ‘Transformational Agreements’ are enabling many more authors to publish their articles with us, which is really great.

"We are the world’s oldest journal dedicated to microscopy, and there are many benefits to publishing with us. I would urge prospective authors to check if their institution is affiliated with an open access deal, and get in touch."

Find out if your institution or funder will cover your open access Article Publication Charges

A bar chart showing the rise in open access articles published in the Journal of Microscopy over the last five years
Special issues

The Journal has also raised its profile with a series of special issues over the past 12 months.

These have included:

Several more special issues are currently in the pipeline, with ‘Calls for Papers’ currently open for the following:

Publication types featured in the JoM include full papers, hot topic fast-tracked communications and review articles. Authors considering submitting a review article should contact the editorial office first.

Find out more about the Journal of Microscopy and submit your paper!