8 Sep 2022
by Jen Mitchell

infocus #67 September 2022 Microscopy, LIVE!

Electron Microscopy and its uses can often seem shrouded in mystery to those not directly involved with it but, Microscopy LIVE! is a chance to peek through the curtains, allowing anyone and everyone in on the secret.

DOI: 10.22443/rms.inf.1.236

Microscopy LIVE! is a free monthly public outreach event designed to make science - and in particular electron microscopy - more accessible, giving a more human experience to some of the more technical aspects of science.

The idea for Microscopy LIVE! was developed by Dr Natasha Stephen before being taken over by Dr Jen Mitchell, Lorelei Robertson, and the rest of the team at Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre, evolving it into a fully-fledged bi-monthly event series with a different theme every other month.