9 Jun 2014
by Ted Kinsman

infocus #34 June 2014 Colouring SEM Images

Kinsmann shares his experience and techniques for converting black and white images to an image that has colour and is interesting to the eye. Very useful in the competitive world of photography, where editors are only interested in colour images.

DOI: 10.22443/rms.inf.1.109

For a number of years, I have been imaging samples with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and have used the images to illustrate books and magazines. In the competitive world of photography, editors are only interested in colour images so I have spent a lot of time experimenting with colorisation techniques that are quick and easy. This procedure I have come up with is the easiest path from two black and white images to an image that has color and is interesting to the eye. There are a number of techniques that involve hand coloring of images, while these techniques can yield wonderful images the time required is extensive.