8 Dec 2013
by Michael Peres

infocus #32 December 2013 Photographing Snowflakes

Michael Peres' stunning photographs of snowflakes, captured during a New York winter, are beautifully displayed along with the author's explanation of how best to capture and photograph them using a microscope. On detailing the methods by which he captures his images the author remarks: "I have not found two flakes to be identical."

DOI: 10.22443/rms.inf.1.102

Photographing snowflakes has become an important winter activity that began at the suggestion of one of my former students more than a decade ago. Rochester, New
York can expect to receive an annual snowfall of more than 100 inches. Each season I look forward to the challenges and adventures of this outdoor activity. Experience is a good teacher and over the years I have developed some basic methods for photographing snowflakes that relies on common equipment and some practical methods when working outside in the cold.