14 Oct 2024

European Microscopy Society (EMS) launches 2024 Outstanding Paper Award

prize will be awarded to papers containing original work in the field of microscopy

As every year, the Executive Board of the European Microscopy Society (EMS) is very pleased to organize the "Outstanding Paper Award" (OPA) for papers published in 2024. The prize will be awarded to papers containing original work in the field of microscopy which will be judged on scientific merit, technical and general quality, expected impact, originality and relevance to microscopy. One paper will be chosen from each of the following categories:

  • Instrumentation and Technique Development
  • Materials Sciences
  • Life Sciences

The prize consists of 1000 € (one thousand) plus a glass award plaque for the first author(s) (per awarded paper) for each category and certificates for all authors. These glass award plaques will be given during the next EMS extension: 17th Multinational Congress on Microscopy to be held in Portorož, Slovenia on 7 – 12 September, 2025.
More information about the rules and how to enter can be found at: http://www.eurmicsoc.org/en/funding/outstanding-paper-award/