Sponsored Content: Dynamics in Life
ZEISS's multi-modal portfolio enables live imaging experiments to be performed across scales. While, initially, microscopy focused on 2D imaging, it rapidly moved into 3D imaging with the invention of optical sectioning, stimulated even more with the introduction of spheroids, organoids and small animal models. However, life is not 3D, it is 4D, adding the variable “time” to the equation of imaging. But more & more, researchers start to realize the phototoxic effects light has on their samples. It is, therefore, of extreme importance to not only offer the highest sensitivity at the detection level, but to use an as low as possible illumination energy.
Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (Lightsheet 7) is an ideal method for imaging whole model organisms, tissues, and 3D cell culture as they develop. Its unique illumination principle and Multiview imaging option allows for the investigation of samples from multiple angles. The system is boxed and environmentally stable, making it perfect for fast and gentle imaging of living specimens for extended periods of time, even days. Lattice Lightsheet 7 adds lattice structures to the light sheet, enabling the acquisition of subcellular resolution while still benefiting from the volumetric imaging of dynamics over hours and days. Standard sample carriers can be used to transfer experiments to this gentle imaging setup. Uniting super-resolution and gentle live cell imaging to capture dynamics of sub-cellular structures in cells or organisms is achieved by Lattice SIM technology (Lattice SIM 5).This light-efficient structured illumination approach doubles spatial resolution compared to classical SIM while remaining gentle to the sample.
Laser scanning microscopes are highly versatile and robust systems that are suitable for a wide variety of samples and experiments. Developments such as the Airyscan detector with its multiple modes, such as Multiplex and jDCV, provide excellent spatial resolution, speed, and gentleness. The combination of the Airyscan area detector and the single laser-based excitation point can also be utilized to uncover molecular movements, including precisely measured flow direction and speed of molecules within solutions. With Dynamics Profiler and SpectralRICS, ZEISS offers easy and unique access to unravel the mysteries on molecular behaviour.
Regardless of the imaging techniques you choose to investigate the dynamics of life in your research, all these microscopes employ the same smart acquisition software that supports productive workflows, easy reproducibility, and smart automation. 3D rendering or modular analysis tools are available to support your path from images to research results, and all multimodal data can be brought together into one comprehensive project.