1 Jun 2024

Download the official elmi2024 Meeting App

Get all the latest updates and make the most of your elmi2024 experience

The official elmi2024 Meeting App is now available to download to your mobile device - so you can keep up to date with all the latest developments during the meeting.

Follow the simple, step-by-step instructions to install the App, and familiarise yourself with its features ahead of the meeting, which begins on Tuesday, 4 June.

The Meeting App, which is being delivered in collaboration with vFairs, is designed to help you get the most out of elmi2024, with features such as the meeting and workshop programmes, a chat function, exhibitor list, floorplans and our 'passport' competition.

The App will help you:

  • navigate the meeting programme and make a note of the sessions and talks that interest you the most
  • check out the list of poster presentations in advance, so you can make the most of our Poster Session on the Wednesday evening (5 June)
  • find out where all our exhibitors will be based within the main hall, and at our 'tabletop' exhibition
  • connect with other delegates and exhibitors through its 'chat' function; why not add some details to your App profile to encourage others to reach out to you during the meeting?
  • join in the conversation and share your experiences on X, with its embedded 'Social Wall'. (Don't forget to use the hashtag #elmi2024)

Download the elmi2024 Meeting App