5 Mar 2025
by Tom Slater , Martin Jones

Data Analysis in Imaging - The journey from focussed interest group to full RMS section infocus #77 March 2025

One of the fastest growing areas within the UK microscopy community is the analysis of imaging data. This article describes the formation of the Data Analysis in Imaging (DAIM) section of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), formed to represent the interests of RMS members in this rapidly expanding field.

DOI: 10.22443/rms.inf.1.289

The need for a cohesive community of scientific image data analysts is highlighted to develop and disseminate rapid technological advancements, and to bring together disparate fledgling communities across a range of scientific domains.

Previous initiatives tobuild such communities, such as NEUBIAS and the RMS Image Analysis Focussed Interest Group, are described, and the DAIM section is introduced, explaining its short and long-term goals to contribute to the international community of scientific image data analysts.