Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
5 & 6 May 2018
The RMS attended the popular Lyme Regis Fossil Festival for a third year, and was situated in the Hub as part of the Natural History Museum (London) attraction. The Microscope Activity Kit proved very popular, particularly as one was currently in the village school of neighbouring Charmouth. Children could find fossils by sieving sediment and then look at them using the RMS microscopes - an activity enjoyed by many of the parents as well. During the two days the Microscope Activity Kit stand had over 450 visitors.
27 - 30 April 2017
For three days visitors to the Lyme Regis Fossil Festival in Dorset marvelled at items large and small under a variety of light microscopes including the RMS Activity Kit stereozoom and new Secondary School microscopes. Outreach committee members were kept busy demonstrating items under the microscopes, explaining microscopy techniques and encouraging visitors to use the microscopes themselves.
29 April - 1 May 2016
For three days visitors to the Lyme Regis Fossil Festival in Dorset marvelled at items large and small under a variety of light microscopes including the RMS Microscope Activity Kit Stereozoom and the new RMS-Approved Secondary School microscope. Invited to share a stall in the Natural History Museum of London’s marquee, RMS Outreach Committee members Dr Alex Ball and Dr Owen Green, were kept busy demonstrating items under the microscopes, explaining microscopy techniques and encouraging visitors to use the NHM’s Inside Explorer, an interactive touchscreen display that enables the viewer to explore micro-CT datasets using a 60” interactive 3D display.
Day One was dedicated to Primary School aged children accompanied by their teachers and carers. We were able to wow the youngsters with the Microscope Activity Kit, while many teachers were also impressed by the fact that they could borrow the kits for free – just by filling in that simple application on the RMS website!
On days two and three, the event opened up to the general public. They flocked in en masse, over the three days of the event there were over 600 visitors to the stand– inspiration all round!

Find out more on the Lyme Regis Fossil Festival website.