Studentships are an excellent way of gaining invaluable experience in your field of study by undertaking a project, usually over the summer months, that you may not be able to achieve during your degree programme or research further into something that has sparked your interest. They are ideally taken up during the second year of undergraduate study (or third if it is a four year degree)
Six studentships of up to £2000 are offered every year, split evenly between physical sciences, biological sciences and interdisciplinary projects.
Applications for our Summer Studentships must include a significant microscopy component and should be submitted by a suitable host academic on behalf of the student. Students who are in their first or final year are not eligible. The Studentship is offered on the understanding that a 500 word project report is completed by the student at the end of the period of study and submitted to the RMS for publication in the RMS infocus magazine and/or the RMS website. The report should be in the form of an abstract with Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results and Discussion and should also include images/data. Students will be asked to do a two to five minute recording briefly talking about their experience for the RMS YouTube Channel.
£1500 should be allocated by the supervisor to the student as a bursary to cover living expenses and up to £500 can be used to cover experimental and laboratory expenses.
The person making the application must be a Member or Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society.
If you have any questions about this award please contact Debbie Hunt.