Professional Development

The RMS is committed to supporting the professional development of those working in microscopy, imaging and flow cytometry.

We offer a wide range of schemes and initiatives designed to enhance knowledge, skills and career progression. They include:

Professional Internship Placements at the RMS, we have a range of potential projects in the pipeline and can be flexible to the skills and strengths of each individual.

For those just starting out in microscopy, Summer Studentships are offered each year to undergraduates wishing to complete a project with a large microscopy component in their summer holidays, meaning invaluable experience can be added to their CV before they've even left university!

As proud supporters of the Technician Commitment, the RMS continues to offer technical training subsidies to empower and support members of the technical community to take part in RMS training events.

The Application Coaching & Personal Mentoring Schemes were developed as part of the RMS Professional Development and Training Focussed Interest Group (PTD-FIG), they are aimed at but not exclusive to RMS members in order to support career development and the unique microscopy, imaging and flow cytometry roles we hold.

Microscopist Profiles: Microscopy skills and knowledge are used in a wide variety of jobs and careers, from developing microscopes and using them for research, to selling or repairing them. Read the profiles below and see whose job you would like!