Technical Specialist Job Shadowing Program

This program aims to showcase challenging technical roles to individuals on an academic or technical track whose skills are in demand and can be effectively utilised in core facilities.

The Technical Job Shadowing Program, funded by the RMS and BioImagingUK, aims to provide scientists on an academic or technical career track with the opportunity to visit imaging or flow cytometry core facilities in the UK and learn first-hand about the technical job role. 

This scheme will showcase challenging technical roles to succesful academic or technical applicants whose skills are in demand and can be effectively utilised in core facilities.

The program is open to UK-based technicians, research assistants, post-doctoral fellows, PhD students nearing the end of their studies, or researchers in equivalent positions in their careers. Selected applicants will have the chance to shadow a technical specialist for up to a week at a different institution's facility. This experience will provide them with insights into the daily operations of the facility, including operating various imaging modalities and software tools, managing open user access, ensuring quality management, and handling image data storage and analysis.

The program intends to facilitate the exchange of experiences and ideas between the hosting facilities and their guests. It also aims to encourage networking and foster possible future collaborations between imaging facilities and research groups.

If you are interested in participating in the program, make sure to review the specific application requirements and deadlines. Feel free to email Georgina Fletcher (Georgina at if you have any further questions or need more information.

Thank you to the Technician Commitment and the Technical Specialist Network for supporting the 2023 pilot of this scheme.

Eligibility: The program is open to UK-based technicians, research assistants, post-doctoral fellows, PhD students nearing the end of their studies, or researchers in equivalent positions in their careers.

Program Details: The program offers the opportunity to shadow a technical specialist for up to a week at an imaging or flow cytometry core facility in the UK. Successful applicants will observe and learn about the technical job role, including operating imaging modalities and software tools, open user access, quality management, and image data analysis.

Application Requirements: To apply, you need to complete this application form by 31 August 2024, which should include a letter of support from your current manager/supervisor and a letter from your desired host facility. The host facility's letter should confirm their agreement to the visit and briefly outline a plan for your time at the facility.

Assessment and Selection: Applications will be evaluated based on their fit with the Technician Commitment values and the potential impact on your career. The selection outcomes will be communicated in mid-September, and if selected, you will have the opportunity to shadow a technical specialist anytime up to November 30, 2024.

Expenses: If your application is successful, travel and lodging expenses of up to £500 will be covered.

Feedback and Publication: Both the guest and host will be required to complete a brief feedback form. The results will be compiled and written up for the RMS magazine, infocus.

To apply for the Technical Specialist Job Shadowing Pilot, you need to access the application form ( Fill out the form and make sure to include the required letters of support and agreement from your supervisor and desired host facility. Ensure that your application aligns with the Technician Commitment values and emphasises the potential impact on your career.

The deadline for applications is August 31, 2024. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please email Georgina Fletcher (Georgina at

Technical Specialist Job Shadowing Organisers

Georgina Fletcher

Georgina Fletcher


Alex Sossick

Alex Sossick

Chair of Professional Development and Training FIG , Natural History Museum, London