Imaging Facility Publication Guidelines

Get the deserved recognition for your Imaging Facility - download and display this Publication Guidelines Poster from BioImagingUK and the RMS!

BioImagingUK is striving to improve recognition and reward for all Imaging Scientists. As the new CEO of UKRI, Ottoline Leyser recently said “we have to move away from the idea of science being carried out by a lone genius”. The sooner we recognise everyone’s contributions to the research effort the more impact we can have.

So following consultation with the UK bioimaging community, and based on the core facilty publication policy compiled by Natasha Stephen after discussions with the EM-UK community, a BioImagingUK focused interest group have prepared a a clear set of guidelines around authorship or acknowledgement in publications.

This poster is designed to be displayed in your Imaging Core Facility. Please use the different examples on the poster to start a conversation with your users as to the action expected.

Together with the recent publication in E-life (Marques et al., 2020) about a failure of proper reporting of imaging experiments in many journals, we hope you feel empowered to start making a change.


Imaging Facility Publication Guidelines Poster
(Marques et al., 2020)