RMS Corporate Member Event Hosting

The RMS has a long history of hosting events on behalf of Societies, providing the administrative support and organisational time needed to run successful events. We have been exploring ways that we can further support our Corporate Members, and we are excited to be able to offer this new opportunity.

Please note we have reached capacity on these events for 2024. 

Event Hosting for Corporate Members

We would like to offer our event hosting services to RMS Corporate Members. Initially, we are trialling this with virtual meetings, offering the following services:

  • Dedicated event manager
  • Event page hosting and registration on the RMS website
  • Hosting of the virtual event including administrative support during the event
  • Email marketing to our GDPR approved mailing lists
  • Social Media marketing
  • Post event statistics

Why should you run your event with the RMS?

We have decades of experience hosting events and due to the pandemic have acquired a great deal of experience organising and hosting virtual meetings, courses and workshops. The RMS has an extensive reach through both its marketing contacts but also its social media following. The income generated by these events goes towards supporting all of the charitable activities and aims of the Society. We want to support everyone in the microscopy, imaging and cytometry communities and this includes our valued corporate members that support the RMS.


What is the process?

Once the form has been submitted, we look at the following:

  • Do we have the right contacts to effectively promote your event?
  • Where can this fit in with the existing event calendar to ensure better attendance?
  • What the proposed charges will be for the event services provided.

When the event has been agreed, you will be assigned your event manager who will discuss a timeline, promotional opportunities and website content with you. You will have the opportunity to proof read website and email content. Your contact will communicate with you throughout the process on procedures and registration numbers.

We want to make the process as easy and efficient as possible.

Find out more

If this is something that your organisation is interested in exploring further, please email Victoria Masters.