Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership demonstrates an organisation’s support for the activities and objectives of the Royal Microscopical Society.

The RMS is extremely grateful to the society’s Corporate Members and the support given for the activities and objectives of the society. If you are interested in becoming an RMS Corporate Member please see below for more information on the benefits to your organisation and how to apply.

Corporate Member Benefits


  • The security of working with a reputable UK based charity with Royal Charter status
  • An association with a world’s leading microscopical society
  • Enhanced brand awareness and corporate reputation
  • Opportunities to network with fellow professionals at RMS events


Corporate Events

  • Exclusive two-week priority booking on exhibition space at our flagship event – Microscience Microscopy Congress (mmc), one of the largest exhibitions in the world dedicated to microscopy and imaging
  • Facility to run one free standard commercial workshop during Microscience Microscopy Congress (mmc), after booking exhibition space at the event
  • Exclusive two-week priority booking and 10% discount on exhibition space at all other RMS conferences and meetings throughout the year


  • Discounted registration for up to four of your employees per year to any RMS course, a maximum of two on a course at any one time (accommodation not included)
  • Discounted registration for up to four of your employees per year to any RMS meeting (accommodation not included)
  • Discounted subscription to the Journal of Microscopy
  • Unlimited recipients (within your company email address) to the RMS e-newsletter

Find out more 

2019 Vesicles on the Move LML.jpg

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Ready to become an RMS member? start the application process

Royal Microscopical Society EMP4

RMS Corporate Members

Many thanks to all our corporate members for their continued support

Contact us 

If you have any questions about Corporate Membership please contact Nick.

Nick Cameron

Nick Cameron

Sponsorship & Exhibitions Co-Ordinator
01865 254772

Contact Nick for exhibition and sponsorship event queries and RMS Corporate Membership.