infocus Magazine Advertising Opportunities

infocus is the vibrant and striking magazine of the Royal Microscopical Society (RMS). The online publication provides a common forum for scientists and technologists from all disciplines who use any form of microscopy, cytometry or microbeam analysis.

infocus features articles on microscopy-related topics, techniques and developments, an events calendar, reports on scientific meetings and other events, book reviews, RMS news, company news and information on new microscopes and accessories.

infocus is circulated online to all members of the Society.  Readers have expressed interests covering all areas of microscopy, imaging and flow cytometry.

RMS Corporate Members receive preferential advertising rates (15% discount), inclusion of up to three press releases per issue, plus one free, full-page colour advert per year in infocus.

Please note the following rates do not include VAT. Payment must be made within 30 days of the date of invoice. 

Advertising Rates

Full Page 170mm by 250mm
Single booking £870
Four consecutive issues £780

Double page spread 340mm by 250mm
Single booking £1225
Four consecutive issues £1095

Half page 85mm by 250mm or 170mm by 125mm
Single booking £765
Four consecutive issues £700

New Products and Company News

infocus contains New Products and Company News sections which are designed to provide readers with the latest information on new equipment and industry news.

Inclusion of press releases is free to RMS Corporate Members and companies who have advertised in infocus during the previous twelve months. A maximum of three press releases per company will be published per issue. A charge of £95 + VAT will be made to non-members and non-advertisers for each press release published.

Online Advertising

infocus e-Newsletter

e-Newsletter sent out to the RMS marketing list (over 5k email addresses) promoting each new issue. 4 e-Newsletters sent out per year (March, June, September & December)

Header - 700 x 100px image with url link £475 + VAT

Sponsored Content (2 opportunities per issue) - Heading text, 25 word teaser, 1 x image (300 x 300px) and url link £395 + VAT

Full issue of infocus Magazine

Each issue of infocus will sit on a standalone page on the RMS website (members will have to log in to view), a news item about the issue will also be published and appear on the RMS homepage (viewable to everybody). It will also be promoted on social media. 4 issues per year (March, June, September & December)

Online advert to appear on both news item and webpage - 600 x 400px image with url link [3 month duration] £250 + VAT

Individual Articles

Two articles from each issue will be made available for everyone to view on the RMS website and a news item about each article will be published and appear on the RMS homepage. They will also be promoted on social media.  Maximum 8 articles per year

Online advert to appear on article webpage - 600 x 400px image with url link [3 month duration] £475 + VAT

infocus article backfile library and full issue library webpages

Pop up to appear on infocus article backfile library and full issue library webpages. Logic will be in place so that pop up appears once only on either of these two pages and can be dismissed by the user.

Pop up to appear on infocus article backfile library and full issue library webpages (1 opportunity per issue) - Heading text, 25 word teaser, 1 x image (525 x 630px) and url link [3 month duration] £395 + VAT

Four issues of infocus are published online per year

March Issue. Copy deadline 1 February
June Issue. Copy deadline 1 May
September Issue. Copy deadline 1 August
December Issue. Copy deadline 1 November

Contact Us 

Please address all advertising queries to:

Other RMS Advertising Opportunities

Find out more about the other advertising opportunities the Society offer for Corporate Members and other companies.