Formerly known as Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), the section was established in 2012 to give recognition to a well-defined community of microscopists worldwide, and provide a support network for a number of world-leading companies in the sector. The committee are particularly keen to hear from and engage with PhD students.
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) & other Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) describes a family of techniques, distinct from the Light and Electron Microscopies in that its spatial resolution is defined not by the wavelength of radiation (such as light, microwaves or electrons), but by the lateral dimensions of the nanoscale probe interrogating the surface, and the short-range nature of the probe-surface interaction. In Scanning Probe Microscopy a physical probe is positioned within a few nanometres of the surface, or in contact with the surface, and the probe is raster-scanned across the surface. A physical property of the surface, to which the probe is sensitive, is used as a control parameter to yield a true 3-dimensional image of the surface. An SPM “image” can contain information from a wide range of forces and interactions and, so SPM can provide quantitative maps of e.g. mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, chemical, optical and electronic properties simultaneously with topography, and both to nanometre, atomic and even subatomic resolution in some conditions. With the development of high-speed SPM these maps can be acquired to time resolutions up to seconds and milliseconds. The probe is often used to obtain local spectroscopic information about the behaviour of a particular property as a parameter such as distance or voltage is ramped. Two important examples of SPM spectroscopy are: Force Spectroscopy, which quantifies the forces felt by the probe as a function of distance with the sample, and Scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), an extension of scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), is used to provide information about the density of electrons in a sample as a function of their energy. AFM is also often used as a nanoindenter to obtain nanometre information about the mechanical properties of the sample as it is mechanically deformed.
The Scanning Probe Microscopy Section of the RMS has several distinguishing features:
The RMS is committed to being a welcoming, inclusive Society and encourages diversity across all activities and in the membership of our committees and groups.
If you are interested in joining any of the committees in the future, please visit our Join a Committee page.
Launched in 2014, the Section Awards (formerly known as the Medal Series) recognise those who have made significant contributions to the field of microscopy. The RMS Section Awards celebrate outstanding scientific achievements across all areas of microscopy and flow cytometry with each RMS Science Section able to select a winner for their own award.
AFM & Scanning Probe Microscopies Section Chair, University of Sheffield
AFM & Scanning Probe Microscopies Section Chair, University of Sheffield
Jamie received a BSc in Physics from the University of Bristol in 1991, followed by a PhD in polymer physics, also from Bristol. Following work with Peter Barham and Andrew Keller on polymer crystallization, he worked with Mervyn Miles using and developing AFM for studying polymers. He pioneered methods for following polymer crystallization in real time, and then co-developed a new high speed scanning (videoAFM) approach which led to the launch of a spin-out company, Infinitesima Ltd. On moving to Sheffield in 2004 he started to collaborate widely with biologists, as well as further developing AFM approaches for high speed and high resolution imaging. His work is now focused on the development and application of AFM for imaging living systems, in particular bacteria, plants and cancer.
AFM & other Scanning Probe Microscopies Section Vice Chair, Lancaster University
AFM & other Scanning Probe Microscopies Section Vice Chair, Lancaster University
Oleg explores nanometre length and nanosecond time scale physical phenomena in materials and devices. He published 150 refereed papers, was awarded 28 patents, co-written three book chapters and a monograph, and is a PI on EPSRC and EU grants. His inventions include Ultrasonic and Heterodyne Force Microscopies, Immersion Scanning Thermal Microscopy and nano‐manipulation of ferroelectric domains. He was a Fellow of Science and Technology Agency of Japan, Advanced EPSRC Fellow at Oxford University, UK, a Director of Innovation at Symyx Technologies, USA. Oleg is a Director of Lancaster Materials Analysis he founded in 2016 and served as an interim director establishing Lancaster Materials Science Institute of which he is currently a Deputy Director. He is a recipient of Metrology for World Class Manufacturing, two Paul Instrument Fund Awards and his students were among top UK Physics students in 2010 and 2012.
AFM & Scanning Probe Microscopies Section Deputy Chair, University of Bath
AFM & Scanning Probe Microscopies Section Deputy Chair, University of Bath
I am an experimental physicist working at the intersection between nanoscience and photonics. In particular, I am interested in studying how light and matter interact on the atomic scale. I received an MSci in Physics with Nanotechnology from the University of Birmingham in 2012, followed by a PhD in atomic manipulation with the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) from the University of Bath in 2016. Following a short postdoctoral position in photonics, I joined the Department of Physics at the University of Bath as an independent Prize Fellow in 2018 and as a tenured Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in 2021. In 2022 I was part of the team awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Faraday Division Horizon Prize for the discovery of chiroptical harmonic scattering. My work is now focused on looking for new understanding of the nanoscale physical processes that underpin light emission and single molecule reactions induced by the tip of an STM.
National Physical Laboratory
National Physical Laboratory
Charles is a senior research scientist in the Surface and Nano-Analysis group at the National Physical Laboratory. Charles's research has a focus on developing and understanding scanning probe microscopy techniques in order to give quantitative information on a surface at the nanoscale beyond 'pretty pictures'. He studies a wide range of materials in collaboration with industry and academia using AFM and other surface analytical techniques. He obtained a MSci in Chemistry and Molecular Physics at the University of Nottingham and his PhD from the University of Sheffield supervised by Prof Graham Leggett. Charles is the chair of the British standards institute panel on characterisation and measurement techniques in nanotechnologies, a mirror committee for ISO TC229/JWG2 and the principle UK expert for the international standardisation committee on scanning probe microscopy (ISO TC/201/SC9).
Aarhus University, Denmark
Aarhus University, Denmark
Mingdong Dong is Professor in the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center at Aarhus University Denmark. He is applied physicist specializing in advanced surface sensitive scanning probe microscopy (SPM). He has developed several important quantitative SPM-based surface sensitive techniques to investigate electronic, mechanical, thermal, chemical, and magnetic properties in biological systems and nanomaterials, which have been critically important for a better understanding of structure-function relationship. His academic experience ranges from materials science, physical chemistry to biophysics, covers problems in life science and nanoscience, encompasses expertise in SPM. He has published more than 300 papers (More than 16000 citations, H-index of 65) in top international peer reviewed journals such as Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, PNAS, Angewandte Chemie, Nano Letters, JACS, ACS NANO, Advanced Materials, etc. Dr. Dong has been a member of Royal Microscopical Society, ACS, MRS, Biophysical Society and Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
School of Engineering, Ulster University
School of Engineering, Ulster University
Amir is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the School of Engineering at Ulster University. Prior to his current role, he has worked at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, the Department of Physics at Durham University, and the Department of Engineering at the University of Bristol. During his career, he made contributions to the development of force reconstruction methods for dynamic AFM, multifrequency force microscopy, vortex dissipation microscopy for solid-liquid interface studies, microcantilever calibration, high-speed AFM studies of metallic surface fatigue, unravelling spatiotemporal transient dynamics at the nanoscale as well as development of wavelet-based AFM/KPFM.
Amir’s research group is dedicated to advancing atomic force microscopy techniques to enhance the imaging, characterization and quantification of nanoscale materials at both surface and subsurface levels. His research is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Royal Society, and the Northern Ireland Department for Economy. He has been recognized with Ulster University’s Future Research Leader Award from the Faculty of Computing, Engineering, and the Built Environment, as well as the Future Research Leader Champion Award.
University of Bristol
University of Bristol
Dr Robert Harniman is focussed on harnessing the interdisciplinary relevance of scanning probe microscopy and has been active in the development and utilisation of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and associated techniques since 2007. After exploring the hydrogen bonding of R6 peptides in a Nuffield grant Robert joined the group of Prof. M Miles FRS in 2008. Here he designed and built the world’s first high-speed non-contact vertically oriented probe (VOP) microscope, achieving remarkable resolution imaging molecular ultra-structure. Having applied the technique to synthetic self-assembly and electro-chemistry Robert utilised the unique balance of sensitivity and control in VOP microscopy in the world-first direct measurement of the spin-momentum of photons, proving the existence of a fundamental quantum force. In 2012 Dr Harniman took charge of the AFM facility at the University of Bristol. Here Robert has driven AFM as an interdisciplinary platform, collaborating across Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences, Medical Sciences, and the Faculties of Life Sciences and Engineering. From identifying electron emission sites in diamond electrodes, enhanced photovoltaics, and cellulose nano-crystal reinforcement, to the effect of actin expansion of the nucleus during mitosis, the development of synthetic proto-tissues, and the effect of changes in gravity on cartilage, his investigations are varied and far-reaching.
In 2023 Dr Harniman received the Vice President’s award from the RMS in acknowledgement of his contributions to his field and others. He has since secured funding through the BBSRC-Alert 2023 to build an AFM technology platform of his own design. The system provides holistic characterisation with direct correlation, of AFM with high-resolution fluorescence optical microscopy, Raman spectral chemical analysis and nano-injection/manipulation measuring material properties over length scales from single biomolecules to tissue, all in biologically relevant environments.
As Technical Research Director at the University of Bristol Robert champions the importance of technicians, research technical professionals and skilled experts, and their vital contributions to the fabric of UK research and innovation.
Dr Harniman “I fervently believe that microscopy, as a field, is a truly interdisciplinary environment which provides an accessible gateway to all forms of science.”
University of Leeds
University of Leeds
George is a University Academic Fellow at the University of Leeds, appointed across the School of Physics & Astronomy and the School of Biomedical Sciences. His current research group focuses on developing High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy methods to study the structural dynamics of single biomolecules. Before starting his group, he held a postdoctoral position in New York with Prof. Simon Scheuring at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University. George obtained his PhD in Physics from the University of Leeds in 2015. In 2023, George was awarded an EPSRC Open Fellowship to continue developing AFM methods.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Sohini Kar-Narayan is a Professor of Device & Energy Materials in the Department of Materials Science at the University of Cambridge, where she leads an interdisciplinary research group working on functional nanomaterials and devices for energy, sensing and biomedical applications. She received her PhD in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in 2009. Following a postdoctoral appointment at the Department of Materials Science in Cambridge, she was awarded a prestigious Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship in 2012, and a European Research Council Starting Grant in 2015. She was the recipient of a World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award in 2015, and in 2021 she was named as one of the top 50 Women in Engineering by the Women’s Engineering Society. Prof Kar-Narayan’s research focuses on functional nanomaterials for applications in energy, sensing and bio-medicine. She is a Co-Founder and Director of ArtioSense Ltd., a spin-out from the University of Cambridge that seeks to commercialise a microfluidic force sensing technology for applications in orthopaedic surgery that was awarded the Armourers & Braisiers’ Venture Prize Award in 2022. She is a Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge University.
David is the Technical Sales Manager at Nanosurf’s UK office, which covers the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia. Nanosurf manufacturers next level Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPM) for research, quality control and educational purposes. David has an MChem degree in Chemistry from the University of Oxford and worked there on research projects inducing crystal formation inside carbon nanotubes, electrical and electrochemical measurements of nanoscale polymer junctions and their use in the synthesis of glucose biosensors. David then spent 11 years at Windsor Scientific, initially as a development scientist working on their combined AFM/SECM system and eventually being responsible for sales and technical support of their range of surface science instruments including AFM systems, 3D optical profilers and nanoindenters. He joined Nanosurf in 2018 as they expand their worldwide presence.
Early Career Representative , Cardiff University
Early Career Representative , Cardiff University
Dr Jacob Pattem is a multidisciplinary biophysical scientist whose research lies at the interface of physics, micro-to-molecular biology, and nanotechnology. He utilizes advanced multiscale, 5-dimensional correlative AFM-based microscopy approaches (X, Y, Z imaging, force, and time), revealing structure-function relations in human, animal and plant health and disease. His research focuses on unravelling molecular informed mechanisms that underpin biophysical responses to complex biological processes such as dental erosion, single-cell microbial colonization, biofilm control, mucus barrier modulation, gene-structure function in plant health and alternatives to anti-microbial resistance in infection. Throughout this he has always aimed at conducting research with the goal of clinical translation for patient benefit, particularly, those suffering from debilitating health conditions and 3rd world rural communities with poor access and reluctance to treatment.
University College Dublin
University College Dublin
Brian is an Associate Professor in the School of Physics and a Fellow of the Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research at University College Dublin. He graduated from North Carolina State University (Raleigh, USA) with a PhD in Physics in 2003 and subsequently held a postdoctoral appointment at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, USA). In 2007, he received an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship to conduct research at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (Halle, Germany). His group’s research is focused on functional materials and advanced scanning probe microscopy-based characterization techniques. In particular, his group develops and employs techniques to measure electrostatic interactions and electromechanical coupling in materials and at the solid-liquid interface.
Nu Nano Ltd
Nu Nano Ltd
James is Managing Director of Nu Nano Ltd, a UK start-up specialising in the design and manufacture of AFM probes. He completed his PhD at the University of Bristol under the supervision of Prof. Mervyn Miles, exploring the use of high-speed atomic force microscopy for nanofabrication. During his subsequent postdoctoral research he moved into microfabrication, where he developed novel ultra-soft silicon nitride cantilevers for vertical probe microscopy. This enabled colleagues to explore force regimes up to 1000 times smaller than can be achieved with conventional AFM. This microfabrication experience led James to found NuNano in order to bring these novel probes to the wider scientific community and develop new manufacturing standards for conventional AFM probes.
University of Durham
University of Durham
University of Durham
Kislon is an Associate Professor in Physics at Durham University. His research focus on the nanoscale properties of materials and interfaces at the frontier between physics, biology, chemistry and materials science. His work is largely based on atomic force microscopy, used to investigates the nanoscale ordering and dynamics of liquids near solids. He is particularly interested in emergent phenomena, where unpredicted mesoscale effects arise due to the unusual properties of interfaces. Kislon obtained his Masters in femtosecond spectroscopy of solvation effects from the University of Lausanne (now EPFL), followed by a PhD in nanoscale membrane biophysics from the University of Oxford. He went to do do research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and subsequently at EPFL (Switzerland) where he worked on AFM approaches to quantify the nanoscale properties and the liquid at the interface with various solids, including soft and bio-like systems. Since October 2013 he joined Durham University as a academic member of staff.
SurfaceChar, MA, United States
SurfaceChar, MA, United States
Dalia Yablon is the founder of SurfaceChar, an AFM and nanoindentation based measurement, consulting, and training company in the Greater Boston area since 2013. Dalia also serves as Technical Program Chair of TechConnect World. In addition to editing a book on “SPM in Industrial Applications” (Wiley), Dalia’s research focuses on nanomechanical characterization methods and soft material characterization. She holds an A.B. in Chemistry from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Columbia University.
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the AFM & other Scanning Probe Microscopies Section of the Royal Microscopical Society took place on Wednesday 2 October 2024 during the Microscopy: Advances, Innovation, Impact 2024 Meeting.
All the Society’s AGMs are free to attend for both members and non-members.