Join a Committee

Interested in joining a Royal Microscopical Society committee?

The RMS is committed to being a welcoming, inclusive Society and encourages diversity across all activities and in the membership of our committees and groups. We would like to ensure that the process of joining a committee is as transparent and accessible as possible in line with our Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility commitment.

We are looking for enthusiastic individuals that are passionate about their fields. We welcome committee members who are at any stage of their career who are active in microscopy, cytometry or imaging.

The Society currently has seven Scientific Sections: 

•    AFM & other Scanning Probe Microscopies
•    Data Analysis in Imaging
•    Electron Microscopy
•    Engineering, Physical & Material Sciences
•    Flow Cytometry
•    Life Sciences
•    Light Microscopy 

In addition to the Scientific Sections there is also a History Committee and an Outreach and Education Committee and Early Career Committee, both of which have representatives from each of the Scientific Sections.

Responsibilities of a Scientific Section committee member can be found in the Section Handbooks on each committee page. They include:

•    Attend and actively participate in regular committee meetings.
•    Respond to communications and meeting invites in a timely manner.
•    Be an RMS Member. 
•    Support both committee and RMS events, meetings and training. 
•    Encourage people within their networks to publish in the Journal of Microscopy.
•    Abide by the RMS Code of Conduct. 
•    Consent to sharing their email address with other members of the committee. 
•    To participate in discussions and contribute to the strategic planning for the committees 
•    To promote the work of the Society and in particular your section, to your wider microscopy, cytometry or imaging community

Committee Terms of Office: 

•    Chair                                   3 years 
•    Vice Chair                        1 year (this role is only filled when there is an outgoing Chair)
•    Deputy Chair                 3 years
•    Ordinary Member      4 years

These Committee Members are supported by up to four Co-opted Members who may be former Ordinary Members, people who have been invited to attend meetings with a view to them becoming elected in the future or those organising a specific meeting or event. Co-opted Members have a 2-year term of office.

If you are interested in joining any of our Focused Interest Groups, working groups or affiliates, please visit their relevant pages for further information.

If you would like to nominate yourself for a committee, please email Jade Sturdy including a short 300 word summary of your experience and why you would like to join a committee.

The RMS will hold an Open Call for applications to join a Committee in early 2025.  

How do we select new committee members from the applications we receive?

We have been asked how we approve and decide on new committee members. There are a number of considerations taken when reviewing committee applications as we want to ensure that we accept new members that will be able to both contribute to and benefit from the committee they are joining.

We consider the following aspects (please note, this list is in no particular order and consideration of all aspects is key to our decision process):

  • The relevance to the committee of the applicants current and previous scientific area of work
  • The current range of scientific disciplines covered by the committee and any areas that we would like to include or expand into
  • The geographical coverage of the committee members, with a view to ensuring we hear voices from various institutions, regions and nations
  • The diversity of the committee
  • That we have representation from a variety of roles including but not limited to technical positions, senior and junior roles and commercial representatives
  • We also want to ensure that we give opportunities to those early in their careers, those that may have taken career breaks or those that would benefit from this opportunity

If you have any questions about this process, please contact

RMS Science Section Committees

Royal Microscopical Society SPM2

AFM and Scanning Probe Microscopies

Formerly known as Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), the section was established in 2012 to give recognition to a well-defined community of microscopists worldwide, and provide a support network for a number of world-leading companies in the sector. The committee are particularly keen to hear from and engage with PhD students.

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Data Analysis in Imaging

The goal of the Data Analysis in Imaging Section is to support and develop the Image Analysis community in the UK and the application of this science to the field of microscopy in all its forms.

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Electron Microscopy

The RMS Electron Microscopy Section was founded in 1965 and serves to foster interest in all types of electron microscopy and analysis in academia and industry in the UK and beyond.

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Royal Microscopical Society EMP10

Engineering, Physical & Material Sciences

The Engineering, Physical & Material Sciences section is dedicated to serving the interests of the wide-ranging community of physical scientists and engineers who apply microscopic and focused beam techniques to the study of: atomic and nanoscale phenomena; matters and the properties of matter; physical and chemical processes; the fabrications of devices and products.

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Royal Microscopical Society FLOW

Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Section was established specifically to encourage communication between cytometrists in both clinical and research laboratories.

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Royal Microscopical Society EML4

Life Sciences

The Life Sciences Section was formed to represent all aspects of the use of the microscope in cell biology. Although it continues to promote the science of the microscopical localisation of substances in cells and tissues, it is now focused on cell biological aspects of the subject. The special interests of the section include the use of the microscope to study the behaviour of cells and the behaviour of ions, molecules and organelles within living cells.

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Royal Microscopical Society LML8 (Light Sheet)

Light Microscopy

The Light Microscopy Section was founded in 1979 to cater for all optical microscopists, and especially those with an interest in innovative techniques.

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2019 Butterfly Wing scales EML.jpg

Early Career Committee

The Early Career Committee is for students, postdocs and early career imaging scientists. It aims to focus on career development of RMS members through pre-congress workshops, industrial tours, networking events and more

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Outreach Section

The Outreach Activities of the Society are overseen by a group of members drawn from the various Science Sections as well as the wider microscopy and education community. Our Outreach programme helps anyone with an interest in microscopy, from school children to those who work in microscopy every day.

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History Committee

Since it's inaugural meeting in 2015, the History Committee has been tasked with compiling historical timelines, overseeing the RMS collections and managing the RMS archives.

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Royal Microscopical Society LMP4

RMS Council

The RMS is governed by its board of Trustees. All actions and updates from each science section are reported to the RMS Council

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