The UK Node of Euro-BioImaging




UPDATE: The UK Node of Euro-BioImaging is now open and accepting applications!

For more info, please visit

BioImagingUK ran a national, open consultation on the specification, design and technology domains of Imaging Nodes in the UK. The first community meeting to build engagement and consensus followed by 4 Breakout Sessions happened in April 2020. The second part of this community consultation happened on Tuesday 23rd June using Zoom.

Our goal was to publish a white paper in Q4/2020 detailing community consensus on the number, character, technological specification, ongoing review etc of UK Imaging Nodes. This white paper can be used by UKRI to inform a funding process that respects the UK’s established principles and mechanisms and also to seek funding for Imaging Nodes. The white paper can be found here.

Following a UKRI Call for Identification of Pilot UK Community Access Nodes for Euro-BioImaging in 2021, seven UK sites were chosen to represent the UK Node of Euro-BioImaging that offer open-access to a wide range of advanced biological imaging techniques including correlative, multi-modal, high-content and super-resolution. They are:

  1. ESRIC
  2. York University
  3. Liverpool University
  4. Oxford Brookes University
  5. OCTOPUS at Harwell
  6. King's College London
  7. The Francis Crick Institute

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