A unique opportunity to help shape future bioimaging infrastructure plans and investment
On Weds 8 Nov 13.00-16.30 we met online to discuss future bioimaging infrastructure plans and investment
Following the 2020 community white paper, establishment of the UK Euro-BioImaging Node and community bioimaging initiatives such as volumeEM, the time is right to propose a national plan. The output of this workshop is a short white paper on national bioimaging infrastructure:
To cite please use:
BioImagingUK. (2024). Report on the BioImaging UK Hardware Infrastructure Community Consultation. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10818844
Including how best to develop and support:
1) Widening Facility Access
2) Technology Development
Outline of the day (08112023) :
1300: Welcome and introduction
1305: Part 1: Facility access and expansion of UK EuBI Node:
Overview of current situation
1320: Part 1 Breakout groups:
1410: Report back
1440: BREAK
1455: Part 2: Technology development:
Overview of current routes for tech dev funding
1505: Part 2 Breakout groups:
1550: Report back
1620: Sum-up and next steps
1630: Meeting close