BioImagingUK Meeting 2024

The BioImagingUK Meeting will take place from 1000 - 1800 BST on Monday 30 September 2024 at the Francis Crick Institute

In the morning, we will run an optional interactive workshop for core facility staff and users:

  • Facilitated by Helena Coker (University of Oxford), the aim of this workshop is to build confidence and skill in ‘selling’ your equipment or services to users. With help from industry, we will merge corporate teaching into facility life to explore approaches to a user and how they compare to those from vendors and applications specialists. Highlighting key transferable skills in leadership and communication, this will be a valuable workshop for early career facility staff. For seasoned facility staff, industry colleagues, and end user Imaging Scientists, this workshop will help you recognise and build on those skills, whilst giving you the opportunity to share your experiences with the group.

After a buffet lunch, we will have 3 sessions of short talks on funding, career paths and recognition, and community engagement, follwoed by networking drinks.

Register here: BioImagingUK Meeting Tickets, Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite


From 1000: Arrival & registration, coffee & pastries

1030 - 1230 Workshop on Core Facility User Engagement

1230 - 1330 Afternoon Registration and buffet lunch

1330 - 1430 I. FUNDING - Chairs: Stefania Marcotti (KCL) & Michelle Peckham (Leeds)
1330: BioImagingUK update, Georgina Fletcher, BioImagingUK
1345: UKRI-MRC, Heather Burgess, Infrastructure and Capital
1400: UKRI-BBSRC, Oliver Huxley, Research Infrastructure
1415: Wellcome Trust, Luigi Martino, Research Lead

1430 - 1530: II. CAREER PATHS & RECOGNITION - Chairs: Kim Findlay (John Innes Centre) & Alex Laude (Newcastle)
1430: Career path at York, Peter O'Toole, University of York
1445: Career path at Liverpool, Ian Prior, University of Liverpool
1500: The Turing Way, Emma Karoune, The Alan Turing Institute
1515: Hidden REF, Simon Hettrick, Software Sustainability Institute

1530 – 1600: Coffee     
1600 - 1700: III. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - Chairs: Lucy Collinson (Crick) & Jason Swedlow (Dundee)
1600: Flash talk - An AI-driven Automated Platform for High-Throughput 5D Fluorescence Imaging and Data Analysis Applied to Cell Signalling and Drug Discovery, Edalat Radfar, COMPARE, University of Birmingham
1605: Physics of Life, Mark Leake, University of York
1620: GloBIAS - a CZI initiative and future Association, Christa Walther, GloBIAS
1635: The Volume Electron Microscopy Initiative, Paul Verkade, University of Bristol
16:48: QuaREPLimi, Glyn Nelson, University of Newcastle

17:00 - 18:00: Networking Drinks Reception

The slides from consenting speakers will be uploaded here after the meeting