Microscopy Core Facility

The University of Murcia provides a wide range of Research Core services (ACTI). The Microscopy Core Facility offers many microscopy techniques specializing in basic research in the life sciences for the local research community as well as other institutions and companies. In this way, the facility provides advanced expertise in Electron, Confocal and Widefield microscopy. The core’s aim is to offer access to standard and advanced microscopy techniques for users of all levels of experience and from any discipline.



Imaging Platforms

Our mission is to guide users from the beginning to ensure a successful experience. Microscopy techniques have a wide range of applications in technology and biomedical fields. Staff at the facility can help you to defend optimal experimental conditions for your plan and determine which instruments to carry it out.

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Live cell imaging, Gated-STED, PALM, TCSPC-FLIM, Confocal microscopy, Widefield microscopy, TIRF, STORM, AFM (ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPE)
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM, Scanning EM (FEG), Scanning EM (Tungsten), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope ApreoS Thermo +EDS analysis EDAX, Electron Transmission Microscope Tecnai Philips 120 kV + Megaview III, Electron Transmission Microscope Jeol 1011 80kV + GATAN Orius SC200, Scanning Electron Microscope Jeol 6100 + EDS INCA



Our staff have the expertise to prepare a wide range of samples, though our main focus is the life sciences.
Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology, Plant Biology, Microbiology, Histology/Pathology, Neurobiology, Immunobiology, Zebrafish, Bio-materials
Keywords - Physical Science: Geology/Mineralogy, Nanomaterials, Composites


Microfluidic Platforms 

Keywords:  CellASIC Onix Merck, Elveflow


Confocal Microscopes 

Ketwords: STELLARIS 8 Leica: WILL + FILM (FALCON + STED (592 and 775 nm lasers), SP8 Leica + Lightning + Navigator, TCS-SP2 Leica, Widefield - Thunder Imager Live Cell Leica + Infinity TIRF + Hi-Lo, Nikon Eclipse 90i


Sample Preparation

Keywords - Biological: Resin embedding, Serial sectioning, Cryosectioning, Freeze substitution, Critical point drying, Metal coating, Rotary shadowing, Immunofluorescence, Ultrathin sectioning, Tokuyasu embedding, Immunolabelling, High pressure freezing, Negative stain, PLT, Live cell, High Pressure Freezer Empact2 Leica + RTS system, AFS processor Leica, Tissue processors + (wax and resins), 2 Cryostats Leica ECM 3050S (frozen sectioning), 2 Ultramicrotomes Reichert + 2 Ultramicrotomes Leica UC6 + cryo-ultramicrotome Leica, High Vacuum Sputter Coater EM ACE 600 Leica, Bio-Rad Polaron Sputter Coater, Carbon Coater Polaron CC7650, Critical Point Dryer Leica EM CPD 030, Diamant Band Saw EXAKT, Micro Grinder EXAKT 400CS


Data Analysis

Moreover, this Research core (ACTI) offers an Image Analysis Facility to assist ACTI users and ensure their requiremnets are met.

Keywords - Software: ImageJ, Imaris, Huygens, Fiji, Amira


Funding Overview

Universidad de Murcia. Spain.




Point of Contact

Microscopy Core Facility
Building: SACE (nº 21)
1st Floor, Campus de Espinardo
University of Murcia
Murcia, 30100, Spain

Teresa Coronado-Parra, +34 868 88 7169

Staff List 

Head: María García García
Teresa Coronado-Parra
Manuela Bernal Albarracín
Francisco Asensio Vidal
Victoria Serrano Gómez
José Joaquín Clares
Laura Guzmán