Imaging Platforms
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Scanning Transmission EM
Keywords - Flow Cytometry: Analytical Flow Cytometry | Cell sorting
Microscopy - Routine and specialist wax and resin embedding with full range sectioning capability, routine and specialist staining, critical point drying and sputter coating, methodological development.
- JEOL 840A SEM with Point upgrade, SE and EDX, and stage biasing.
- BD FACSymphony A3 Cell Analyzer.
- Access to NHS-owned Hitachi 7800 TEM with EDX
Flow Cytometry:
- FACS Canto II x 2
- LSRFortessa
- Attune NxT
- Imagestream Mark II
- Aria III cell sorter
Keywords - Applications: Phenotyping | Cell cycle | Mammalian cells | Fluorescent proteins
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