CAMDU at University of Warwick

CAMDU (Computing and Advanced Microscopy Development Unit) at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, is home to multiple advanced light microscopes, computational workstations, software development and integrated petabyte data storage. The instruments are primarily for the use of Warwick researchers, with the exception of the Wellcome-funded lattice light sheet microscope which offers a visitor programme for external researchers.



Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Light-sheet microscopy (SPIM) | Confocal microscopy | Widefield microscopy | TIRF | Multi-photon microscopy | Lattice light sheet microsocpy (LLSM)

Details of our microscopes can be found by clicking here.

Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ | Imaris | Fiji | Matlab | OMERO


Point of Contact

CAMDU at University of Warwick
Mechanochemical Cell Biology Building (MCBB)
Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick
Gibbett Hill Campus, Gibbett Hill Road
Coventry, West Midlands, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom , 02476151934

Staff List

Dr. David Corcoran (Imaging Specialist)
Dr. Laura Cooper (Research Fellow in Computational Image Analysis)


Visit the facility website here