Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre

The Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre combines core imaging facilities with an advanced technology development capability. The centre offers both advanced electron and light microscopy services and is open to internal and external users. Staff in the centre have diverse expertise from physics to computer science and cell biology.


Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Superresolution microscopy | Live cell imaging | PALM | Light-sheet microscopy (SPIM) | Confocal microscopy | Multi-photon microscopy | STORM 
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Scanning EM (FEG) | Scanning Transmission EM 

Lattice Light Sheet Microscope


Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology | Developmental Biology | Plant Biology | C.elegans | Microbiology | Histology/Pathology | Neurobiology | Zebrafish | Drosophila
Keywords - Physical Sciences: Bioengineering & Biomaterials | Geology/Mineralogy | Nanomaterials | Composites 

Sample Preparation

Keywords - Biological: Resin embedding | Serial sectioning | Cryosectioning | Plunge freezing | Freeze substitution | Critical point drying | Metal coating | Ultrathin sectioning | Freeze fracture | Negative stain | Photoconversion | Cryostat sectioning 

Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ | Imaris | FLIMfit | ImSpectorPro | Fiji | Matlab 

Point of Contact

Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre
Anatomy Building
Downing Site
University of Cambridge , CB2 3DY , United Kingdom

Kevin O'Holleran  01223333781