Bioimaging Facility - Durham University Biosciences

The facility has experience working with a variety of sample types with particular expertise with plant samples. As well as academic project support, the facility has a strength in industrial research collaborations and method development for these partners.

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Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Superresolution microscopy, Live cell imaging, PALM, TCSPC-FLIM, Light-sheet microscopy (SPIM), Confocal microscopy, Widefield microscopy, TIRF, Multi-photon microscopy, STORM, FCS/FCCS, Structured Illumination Microscopy

Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM, Focused Ion Bean SEM

Sample Preparation

Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Plant Biology, C.elegans, Microbiology, Histology/Pathology, Neurobiology, Immunobiology, Zebrafish, Drosophila, Bio-materials, Food

Keywords - Biological: Resin embedding, Serial sectioning, Cryosectioning, Plunge freezing, Freeze substitution, Critical point drying, Metal coating, Immunofluorescence, Ultrathin sectioning, Tokuyasu embedding, Immunolabelling, High pressure freezing, Negative stain, Cryostat sectioning, H&E staining, Live cell

Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ, Huygens, iQ, FLIMfit, AxioVision, Fiji, Amira, Volocity, Metamorph

Other: Zen, Zeiss arivis Pro

Point of Contact

Bioimaging Facility - Durham University Biosciences
Department of Biosciences Durham University Stockton Road
Durham, DH1 3LE , United Kingdom

Phone number:  0191 224 1333
Website: Bioimaging Facility - Durham University Biosciences 


Staff List

Tim Hawkins (LM)
Joanne Robson (LM)
Lydia Kitchen (LM)
Martin Goldberg (EM)
Chieko Itakura (EM)