Bath University Imaging Facility

The University of Bath Imaging Facility enable users to image samples in a variety of ways. Our services span bioimaging, flow cytometry, electron microscopy, molecular spectroscopy and metrology.

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Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Superresolution microscopy | Live cell imaging | Atomic Force Microscopy | Light-sheet microscopy (SPIM) | Confocal microscopy | Widefield microscopy | Multi-photon microscopy | Raman imaging
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Electron tomography | Scanning EM (FEG) | Scanning Transmission EM | Scanning EM (Tungsten)
Keywords - X Ray Microscopy: MicroCT



Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology | Developmental Biology | Plant Biology | C.elegans | Microbiology | Neurobiology | Immunobiology | Zebrafish | Food
Keywords - Physical Sciences: Bioengineering & Biomaterials | Plasmonics | Corrosion/Oxidation | Semiconductors & Opotoelectronics | Geology/Mineralogy | Optical & Photonic Materials and Devices | Catalysts | Ionic conductors, fuel cells and batteries | Metallurgy/Alloy development | Electron optics | Functional oxides | Nanomaterials | Composites | Magnetics, magnetic materials & spintronics | Polymers & organic electronics


Sample Preparation 

Keywords - Biological: Resin embedding | Serial sectioning | Plunge freezing | Critical point drying | Metal coating | Ultrathin sectioning | Freeze fracture | Negative stain | Live cell
Keywords - Materials: Argon ion thinning 


Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ | Fiji | Amira | Matlab

Point of Contact

Bath University Imaging Facility
Imaging Facility
University of Bath
Claverton Down
Bath, BA2 7AY, UK

Dr. Philip Fletcher

Tel: 01225 385153


Staff List 

Philip Fletcher
Diana Szeidler-Lednitzky
Michael Zachariadis
Mathew Ball
Wayne Liu
Silvia Martínez Micol


Visit the Bath University Imaging Facility