Aberdeen University Microscopy and Histology Core Facility

The Microscopy and Histology Core Facility is based in the Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen. We are pleased to welcome all users with all levels of experience in microscopy and/or histology from the university and also visiting scientists from other faculties, universities and hospitals. We have a wide variety of equipment available for use and staff members with many years of experience who are happy to help.



Imaging Platforms

Keywords - Light Microscopy: Confocal Microscopy | Widefield Microscopy | Live Cell Imaging
Keywords - Electron Microscopy: Transmission EM | Electron Tomography | Scanning EM (Tungsten)
Keywords - X-Ray Microscopy: MicroCT

Confocal microscopy

  • Zeiss 880 + Airyscan Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
  • Zeiss 700 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
  • Zeiss 710 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope

Fluorescence microscopy 

  • Zeiss Imager M2
  • Zeiss Observer Z1

Slide Scanner

  • Zeiss Axioscan Z1

Micro CT 

  • SkyScan-1072 High-resolution desk-top micro-CT system
  • Nikon XT 225ST

Live cell Imaging

  • Delta Vision Core wide field imaging system with EMCCD
  • Perkin Elmer Ultraview Spinning Disk


  • Tissue processors, standard and motorized microtomes for wax and resin sectioning
  • Cryostat for frozen sectioning

Electron Microscopy 

  • JEOL 1400 plus TEM and XR16M-ActiveVu camera
  • Zeiss EVO MA10 SEM with Oxford Inca microanalysis
  • Leica UC6, UC7 R2 ultramicrotomes
  • Cryo Electron Microscopy 
  • Leica Empact 2 High Pressure Freezer (with rapid transfer system)
  • Leica AFS (Automated Freeze Substitution) processor
  • Leica FC6 cryo-ultramicrotome


Keywords - Biological: Cell Biology | Neurobiology | Developmental Biology | Plant Biology | Zebrafish | C.elegans | Microbiology | Histology/Pathology | Food
Keywords - Physical: Geology/Mineralogy

As a busy multi-user facility, we see a wide variety of samples passing through. We have the expertise to deal with many different sample types.

Sample Preparation

Keywords - Biological: Resin Embedding | Ultrathin Sectioning | Serial Sectioning | Tokuyasu Embedding | Cryosectioning | Immunolabelling | High Pressure Freezing | Freeze Substitution | Critical Point Drying | Sputter Coating | Negative Stain | Correlative Light and EM | Immunofluorescence | Cryostat Sectioning | H&E Staining | Live Cell

We are able to advise and assist users on the best way to prepare their samples.

Data Analysis

Keywords - Software: ImageJ | FIJI | Imaris | Amira | IMOD | Volocity | ImagePro | AxioVision | Zen

We can support users in the analysis of their data and there is a range of software packages available for use. Training can be given if required.

Point of Contact

Aberdeen University Microscopy and Histology Core Facility
Aberdeen University Microscopy and Histology Core Facility
Foresterhill Road
Institute of Medical Sciences
Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD, United Kingdom

Debbie Wilkinson 

Gillian Milne 

Staff List

Debbie Wilkinson
Gillian Milne
Lucy Wight