RMS Ambassadors

Would you like to take a more active role in the Society?​​​​​​​ RMS Ambassadors help raise our profile and promote our activities.

Ambassadors raise awareness of RMS activities, support local members and encourage new members. From putting up posters which advertise our meetings and courses to promoting specific activities via emails or other suitable routes, there are many ways you could help the RMS.

We will also look to hold feedback sessions with Ambassadors, to gather your thoughts on our activities and any ideas you have for raising profile of the RMS.

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador of the Royal Microscopical Society, please fill the form below.

Ambassador Application Form


Current RMS Ambassadors

Hasan Abbas, University of Glasgow | Banuja Kumari Acharya, Cadila Healthcare Ltd, India | Stephen O Aderinto, University of Sheffield | Natalie Allcock, University of Leicester | Trevor Almeida, University of Glasgow | Kurt Anderson, Francis Crick Institute, London | Rachel Armitage, De Montfort University, Leicester | Steven Bagley, Cancer Research UK: Manchester Institute | Daniel Bahena Uribe, Advanced Electron Nanoscopy Laboratory, Mexico City | Ganesh Bangar, KCTI, R & D of Bharat Forge Ltd, Pune, India | Sally Boxall, University of Leeds | Susan Brooks, Oxford Brookes University | Xiaohui Chen, University of Manchester | Darran Clements, Wellcome-MRC Stem Cell Insitute, University of Cambridge | Derek Davies, Francis Crick Institute, London | Donna Dawkins, University of Birmingham | Mariana De Niz, Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisbon, Portugal | Alberto Diaspro, University of Genoa and Italian Institute of Technology | Scott Doak, TESCAN, Cambridge | Anton du Plessis, Stellenbosch University, South Africa | Helen Ferry, Experimental Medicine Division, University of Oxford | Kim Findlay, John Innes Centre, Norwich | Claire Friel, University of Nottingham | Mike Gibson, Quekett Microscopical Club | Michael Harrison, The Eolais Institute, Natural History Museum, London | Patricia Goggin, University Hospitals Southampton NHS Trust/University of Southampton | Yanping Guo, Imperial College London | Nadia Halidi, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain | Yasmin Haque, King's College London | Pippa Hawes, The Pirbright Institute, Surrey | Tim Hawkins, University of Durham | Stephanie Höhn, University of Cambridge | Cvic Innocent, Boston Children's Hospital of HMS, USA | Gareth Jackson, Leica Microsystems, Denbigh | Errin Johnson, University of Oxford | Minkyung Kang, Deakin University, Australia | Deirdre Kavanagh, University of Oxford | Nicki Kessel, Edif ERA, Leatherhead | Rob Kesseler, University of the Arts London | Adriana Klyszejko, Oxford Cryosystems | Alex Laude, Newcastle University | Nicola Lawrence, University of Cambridge | Céline Loussert, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland | Emma McDermott, National University of Ireland Galway | Sebastian Munck, VIB BioImaging Core, Leuven, Belgium | Niga Nawroly, ACEA Biosciences, London | Volodymyr Nechyporuk-Zloy, The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford | Duc-The Ngo, University of Manchester | Stephen O Aderinto, University of Sheffield | Kirti Prakash, Royal Marsden Hospital | Silvia Pujals, Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain | Stefanie Reichet, CRUCK Cambridge Institute | Liam Rooney, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | Eduardo Rosa-Molinar, The University of Kansas, USA | Thomas Rost, University of California, USA | Jessica Rowley, Imperial College London | Monjoy Saha, Emory University-School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA | Rebecca Saleeb, University of Edinburgh | Nicole Salgado, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile | Alan Simm, Liverpool John Moores University | Jennifer Simpson, The Pirbright Institute, Surrey | Kevin Smith, MetPrep Limited, Woodford Halse | Leanna Smith, University of Toronto, Canada | Alex Sossick, University of Cambridge | Kees Straatman, University of Leicester | Philippa Timmins, Scientifica, Chipping Norton | Kathryn White, Newcastle University | Xiang li Zhong, University of Manchester