Leave a Legacy

Support the ongoing work of the RMS by leaving a legacy in your will

As a charity, donations and gifts left to the Royal Microscopical Society enable us to continue our outreach work, bringing microscopy to children and helping those just starting out in the field to get the springboard and the help that they need to progress successfully.

Below we have listed examples of opportunities that you can make possible with a generous gift, however, if there is something specifically that you would like to support then we would be happy to work with you to make sure your donation is used in the way you intend.

We recommend consulting a solicitor when creating a Will or making any changes or codicils.

Give a Microscope Activity Kit

In 2011 we launched our Microscope Activity Kit (MAK) Scheme, taking microscopy directly into the classrooms of Primary Schools across the UK and familiarising both teachers and pupils with microscopes, building their confidence in using them. Designed with school teachers, the Kits include 8 microscopes, a digital eyepiece camera and 6 pre-prepared activities mapped to the national curriculum.

We currently have around 90 MAKs available to be loaned out. The majority are based in the UK, and a small number are available for schools in Ireland. Primary schools usually borrow the kits for two school terms, completely free of charge. We also now have two Home School Kits, enabling us to reach a group of children who were previously missing out.

Give a Summer Studentship

Launched in 2014, Summer Studentships are offered to undergraduates who wish to complete a summer project in their area of interest in their current course of study.

With more and more students choosing to attend university, the need to stand out when applying for jobs is becoming more important. By completing a summer studentship, students are able to add invaluable experiences to their CV as well as contributing to important research, often devised themselves during the course of their studies.

Give a Travel Bursary

The RMS Travel Bursaries fund students and early career researchers who have been accepted to present their work at a conference but find it difficult to acquire the funding to get there.

A travel bursary allows them to attend a meeting that they would otherwise have not been able to, demonstrating their work to a wider audience either showcasing new techniques and applications or gaining invaluable insights and feedback to further their own research.

Download the Leave a Legacy Leaflet

Office Contact 

If you like more information about leaving a legacy to the RMS please contact Sali.

Sali Davis

Sali Davis

Chief Executive
