RMS Council
Open Call to join the RMS Council
The RMS have issued an open call for nominations for up to 5 Ordinary Members to sit on the RMS Council. For further information, please see the RMS Council Open Call webpage.
How do we elect officers and ordinary members of RMS Council?
The process by which officers are elected to RMS Council can be found in our By-Laws, but are also summarised in the extract below. If you have any questions about this process, please contact Jade Sturdy.
41. At any date not less than three calendar months before the Annual General Meeting, any four Fellows may nominate any other duly qualified person to fill any of the Offices of President, Vice-President, Honorary Secretaries, Honorary Treasurer or other member of Council by delivering the nomination in writing to the CEO together with the written consent of the nominee to accept Office if elected.
42. A notice inviting nominations from the membership shall be published at least four calendar months before the Annual General Meeting.
43. At a meeting not less than three calendar months before the Annual General Meeting, Council shall nominate qualified persons for election at the Annual General Meeting as Officers and ordinary members of Council.
44. A list of the names of all persons nominated to hold Office on the Council shall be published to all members not later than three weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
45. The list shall show which candidates are nominated by the Council and shall give the names of the members by whom each of the other candidates (if any) is nominated.